Brique Modern Kitchen Dárková karta

Kupte si Brique Modern Kitchen dárkovou kartu za Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero nebo jednu z více než 200 dalších nabízených kryptoměn. Po zaplacení okamžitě obdržíte kód voucheru e-mailem.

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Brique Modern Kitchen in Cebu City, Philippines, is a trendy restaurant known for its modern approach to traditional dishes. With an emphasis on fresh, locally-sourced ingredients and innovative techniques, Brique Modern Kitchen offers a wonderful range of inspired dishes. 

You can buy Brique Modern Kitchen gift cards with Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, perfect for anyone who wants to enjoy South Asian and Filipino cuisine at excellent prices. 

With its chic interior and creative menu, Brique Modern Kitchen is a great venue for lovers of modern Filipino cuisine. An excellent venue with a superb reputation.


Jak uplatnit svou dárkovou kartu Brique Modern Kitchen?

Chcete-li uplatnit dárkovou kartu Brique Modern Kitchen, postupujte takto:

  1. Navštivte Brique Modern Kitchen.
  2. Vyberte si z jejich inovativního menu s řadou moderních jídel.
  3. Při pokladně předložte dárkovou kartu pokladníkovi.
  4. Hodnota dárkové karty bude odečtena z vaší celkové částky a vy můžete dokončit transakci.

Co si můžete koupit s dárkovou kartou Brique Modern Kitchen?

S dárkovou kartou Brique Modern Kitchen si můžete objednat jakoukoli položku z jejich nabídky. To zahrnuje celou řadu moderních jídel vytvořených z čerstvých surovin z místních zdrojů.

Kdy vyprší platnost dárkových karet Brique Modern Kitchen?

Brique Modern Kitchen neuvádí datum vypršení platnosti dárkové karty, proto si zkontrolujte podmínky dárkové karty, když ji obdržíte, nebo se zeptejte v obchodě.

Each eGift has a unique code that corresponds to an amount or item. To use the eGift at the store, the code must be given by the recipient to the store staff for validation.The recipient must wait for the store staff to finish the validation process. The store staff will receive a validation response indicating the eGift amount and validity. The store staff will follow only what is indicated in the validation response.The recipient is responsible for the safekeeping of the eGift code. The recipient must only give this to the store staff once he/she commits to use it at the store.In the event that the store’s eGift validation system is offline or unavailable, the store staff shall politely decline to accept the eGift. The recipient may still use the eGift when the system is back online.The eGift may not be valid for use on certain promotional items/services and it cannot be exchanged for cash.The eGift is for one-time use only. If the total value of eGift is not used up, there will be no cash change given. If the purchase goes beyond the eGift amount, the recipient is to pay for the difference.*Multiple eGift codes may be used per transaction.