PUBG Dárková karta

Kupte si PUBG dárkovou kartu za Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero nebo jednu z více než 200 dalších nabízených kryptoměn. Po zaplacení okamžitě obdržíte kód voucheru e-mailem.

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Pokud si chcete koupit dárkovou kartu PUBG s bitcoiny nebo jinými kryptoměnami, kterou chcete někomu darovat, nebo si chcete koupit UC s bitcoiny nebo altcoiny pro sebe, máme pro vás dobrou zprávu. Prozradíme vám, jak a odkud si můžete koupit dárkové karty PUBG nebo UC za kryptoměny. Tak čtěte dál.

Co je PUBG?

PUBG je zkratka pro "Players Unknown Battleground", což je střílečka pro více hráčů, která se hraje online. Hru vyvíjí společnost Bluehole. Hra byla poprvé vydána v roce 2017 exkluzivně na herní platformě Steam. PUBG se dostalo zvláštní pozornosti, protože se stala nejpoužívanější hrou na platformě Steam. S 1,3 milionu souběžných uživatelů překonala hra Players Unknown Battleground všechny rekordy. Protože je hra tak populární, uvažovalo se také o vydání konzolové verze pro PlayStation a Xbox. Podobně jako ve Fortnite je hráč vystaven na ostrově s 99 dalšími hráči. Nyní jde jen o to najít a zlikvidovat protivníky v přímém přenosu. 

Kruhová herní plocha zmenšuje svůj poloměr v průběhu hraní, takže se obtížnost boje neustále zvyšuje. Ve hře PUBG můžete soutěžit sami nebo s přáteli v týmech po dvou nebo čtyřech proti ostatním týmům. Jedno kolo trvá až 30 minut. Na konci kola se vám zobrazí počet zabití, kterých jste dosáhli. Rčení pro vítěze "Vítěz vyhrává kuřecí večeři" se stalo v herní komunitě ustálenou frází. Ve hře můžete za UC nebo Unknown Cash (herní měnu) nakupovat herní předměty a upravovat si tak postavu a zbraně.

Jak platit bitcoiny ve hře PUBG

Pro PUBG je k dispozici mnoho zajímavých lootboxů, skinů a zbraní. K dispozici jsou také různé speciální nabídky nebo akce, které si můžete koupit. Bitcoiny v PUBG nemůžete utrácet přímo, protože hra nepřijímá kryptoměny jako formu platby. Pokud si však chcete koupit UC za bitcoiny, musíte použít službu třetí strany, jako je Coinsbee. U Coinsbee si můžete koupit dárkovou kartu s bitcoiny nebo jinými kryptoměnami a poté ji použít k dobití zůstatku na účtu UC.

Chcete-li si koupit dárkovou kartu PUBG s bitcoiny nebo jinými kryptoměnami, postupujte podle následujících kroků:

1. Vyberte si částku UC, kterou chcete koupit za krypto.
2. Zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu, aby vám společnost Coinsbee mohla zaslat e-mail s kódem, jakmile bude připraven k doručení.
3. Zvolte preferovaný způsob platby a dokončete transakci. Jakmile Coinsbee obdrží vaši platbu, zašle vám kód dárkové karty e-mailem.

Chcete-li dárkovou kartu uplatnit, postupujte podle následujících kroků:

1. Přihlaste se ke svému účtu Midasbuy a přejděte na stránku "Dobití kreditu do hry PUBG Mobile"; poté zadejte své ID hráče PUBG Mobile.

2. Přejděte na stránku "redeem code" a zadejte svůj kód. Kliknutím na tlačítko "Ok" obdržíte herní kredit!

Proč byste měli používat Coinsbee k nákupu dárkové karty PUBG s kryptoměnami

Coinsbee je jedním z nejlepších míst pro nákup UC s kryptoměnami prostřednictvím dárkových karet PUBG. Platforma byla navržena tak, aby se snadno používala, a nabízí širokou škálu platebních možností.

Přijímá více než 200 kryptoměn, včetně Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), XRP, Dash (DASH), Monero (XMR), Zcash (ZEC), EOS a mnoha dalších. Pokud nechcete používat kryptoměny, můžete platit také kreditní kartou.
Pokud hledáte spolehlivého poskytovatele pro nákup dárkové karty PUBG s bitcoinem nebo jinými kryptoměnami, Coinsbee je pro vás to pravé místo.


Valid for 12 months from purchase date.
Valid for a one time use only.
Active PUBG account ID is required to redeem the code on this eGift Card. If you do not have an existing account, you could setup a free account by downloading the game and registering yourself.
Refer to the 'Gift Thoughts' section for a detailed view of the available denominations and the corresponding UC packs.
By purchasing or using the code, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the Terms of Service available at
If your age is below 16 and you have chosen to use the Service, consent from the holder of your parental responsibility might be required.
Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded.


Valid for 12 months from purchase date.
Valid for a one time use only.
Active PUBG account ID is required to redeem the code on this eGift Card. If you do not have an existing account, you could setup a free account by downloading the game and registering yourself.
Refer to the 'Gift Thoughts' section for a detailed view of the available denominations and the corresponding UC packs.
By purchasing or using the code, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the Terms of Service available at
If your age is below 16 and you have chosen to use the Service, consent from the holder of your parental responsibility might be required.
Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded.

PUBG Mobile UC Global US

If you have any questions about, or if you wish to send us any notices in relation to, this EULA, please contact us at [email protected].
This EULA applies specifically to:
the registration and use of Your Account;
your downloading, installing, and/or using any mobile and web applications we make available to you, including any connected software, networks, or services, and any Updates we may make available to you (as defined in the “Updates and changes to the Licensed Items” section below) (together, the “Software”); and
your access to services that are made available by us in relation to certain Software (the “Services”);
any Virtual Goods and Virtual Currency; and any other text, images, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos, audiovisual combinations, interactive content and any other media, content or information that may be made available to you through the Services (together, the “Content”)(the Software, Services, Virtual Goods, Virtual Currency and Content together being the “Licensed Items”).
By accessing or using any Licensed Items, you agree to be bound by this EULA between you and PROXIMA BETA PTE.LIMITED, a Singapore corporation with its registered office at 10 ANSON ROAD #21-07 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, SINGAPORE (“we”, “our” and “us”).
PLAYERUNKNOWN&rsquo'S BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE for iOS is published on the iOS App Store by TENCENT MOBILE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED. TENCENT MOBILE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED acts as the app store publisher for iOS on behalf of PROXIMA BETA PTE. LIMITED. All inquiries regarding PLAYERUNKNOWN&rsquo'S BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE should be directed to PROXIMA BETA PTE. LIMITED in accordance with this EULA.
11-Month Expiration.
You must only use the Licensed Items:
if you agree to this EULA;
if you can lawfully enter into this EULA with us in accordance with applicable laws and regulations; and
if applicable laws and regulations permit you to use the Licensed Items where you are when you use them.
You must comply with this EULA in your use of the Licensed Items and only use the Licensed Items as permitted by applicable laws and regulations, wherever you are when you use them. Please review this EULA and our policies and instructions to understand how you can and cannot use the Licensed Items.
If you are under the age of 13, you must not open an account and must not use any Licensed Items. If you are between the ages of 13 and 18, your parent or guardian must agree to this EULA (both for themselves and on your behalf) before you can use Your Account or any Licensed Items. If you are a parent or guardian, you accept responsibility for the use of Your Account and the Licensed Items, including any payments, fees, and charges relating to the Licensed Items.
In the event there is any difference between the English version and the Japanese version of this EULA, the English version will apply to the extent of the difference and to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations."


Valid for 12 months from purchase date.
Valid for a one time use only.
Active PUBG account ID is required to redeem the code on this eGift Card. If you do not have an existing account, you could setup a free account by downloading the game and registering yourself.
Refer to the 'Gift Thoughts' section for a detailed view of the available denominations and the corresponding UC packs.
By purchasing or using the code, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the Terms of Service available at
If your age is below 16 and you have chosen to use the Service, consent from the holder of your parental responsibility might be required.
Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded.


Valid for 12 months from purchase date.
Valid for a one time use only.
Active PUBG account ID is required to redeem the code on this eGift Card. If you do not have an existing account, you could setup a free account by downloading the game and registering yourself.
Refer to the 'Gift Thoughts' section for a detailed view of the available denominations and the corresponding UC packs.
By purchasing or using the code, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the Terms of Service available at
If your age is below 16 and you have chosen to use the Service, consent from the holder of your parental responsibility might be required.
Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded.


Valid for 12 months from purchase date.
Valid for a one time use only.
Active PUBG account ID is required to redeem the code on this eGift Card. If you do not have an existing account, you could setup a free account by downloading the game and registering yourself.
Refer to the 'Gift Thoughts' section for a detailed view of the available denominations and the corresponding UC packs.
By purchasing or using the code, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the Terms of Service available at
If your age is below 16 and you have chosen to use the Service, consent from the holder of your parental responsibility might be required.
Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded.


Valid for a one time use only.
Active PUBG account ID is required to redeem the code on this eGift Card. If you do not have an existing account, you could setup a free account by downloading the game and registering yourself.
Refer to the 'Gift Thoughts' section for a detailed view of the available denominations and the corresponding UC packs.
By purchasing or using the code, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the Terms of Service available at
If your age is below 16 and you have chosen to use the Service, consent from the holder of your parental responsibility might be required.
Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded. does not accept cashback, refunds or returns.


Valid for 12 months from purchase date.
Valid for a one time use only.
Active PUBG account ID is required to redeem the code on this eGift Card. If you do not have an existing account, you could setup a free account by downloading the game and registering yourself.
Refer to the 'Gift Thoughts' section for a detailed view of the available denominations and the corresponding UC packs.
By purchasing or using the code, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the Terms of Service available at
If your age is below 16 and you have chosen to use the Service, consent from the holder of your parental responsibility might be required.
Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded.

PUBG New State NC Global US

If you have any questions about, or if you wish to send us any notices in relation to, this EULA, please contact us at [email protected].
This EULA applies specifically to:
the registration and use of Your Account;
your downloading, installing, and/or using any mobile and web applications we make available to you, including any connected software, networks, or services, and any Updates we may make available to you (as defined in the “Updates and changes to the Licensed Items” section below) (together, the “Software”); and
your access to services that are made available by us in relation to certain Software (the “Services”);
any Virtual Goods and Virtual Currency; and any other text, images, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos, audiovisual combinations, interactive content and any other media, content or information that may be made available to you through the Services (together, the “Content”)(the Software, Services, Virtual Goods, Virtual Currency and Content together being the “Licensed Items”).
By accessing or using any Licensed Items, you agree to be bound by this EULA between you and PROXIMA BETA PTE.LIMITED, a Singapore corporation with its registered office at 10 ANSON ROAD #21-07 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, SINGAPORE (“we”, “our” and “us”).
PLAYERUNKNOWN&rsquo'S BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE for iOS is published on the iOS App Store by TENCENT MOBILE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED. TENCENT MOBILE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED acts as the app store publisher for iOS on behalf of PROXIMA BETA PTE. LIMITED. All inquiries regarding PLAYERUNKNOWN&rsquo'S BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE should be directed to PROXIMA BETA PTE. LIMITED in accordance with this EULA.
11-Month Expiration.
You must only use the Licensed Items:
if you agree to this EULA;
if you can lawfully enter into this EULA with us in accordance with applicable laws and regulations; and
if applicable laws and regulations permit you to use the Licensed Items where you are when you use them.
You must comply with this EULA in your use of the Licensed Items and only use the Licensed Items as permitted by applicable laws and regulations, wherever you are when you use them. Please review this EULA and our policies and instructions to understand how you can and cannot use the Licensed Items.
If you are under the age of 13, you must not open an account and must not use any Licensed Items. If you are between the ages of 13 and 18, your parent or guardian must agree to this EULA (both for themselves and on your behalf) before you can use Your Account or any Licensed Items. If you are a parent or guardian, you accept responsibility for the use of Your Account and the Licensed Items, including any payments, fees, and charges relating to the Licensed Items.
In the event there is any difference between the English version and the Japanese version of this EULA, the English version will apply to the extent of the difference and to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations.