Kupte si Ferrari World Abu Dhabi dárkovou kartu za Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero nebo jednu z více než 200 dalších nabízených kryptoměn. Po zaplacení okamžitě obdržíte kód voucheru e-mailem.
Produkt není skladem
Mějte na paměti, že dárkové karty Ferrari World Abu Dhabi nejsou vstupenkami na tuto část. Budete muset dokončit proces nákupu dárkové karty Ferrari World Abu Dhabi na Coinsbee, abyste obdrželi informace o dárkové kartě Ferrari World Abu Dhabi e-mailem. Poté budete muset tyto informace vytisknout a navštívit park. Až budete v parku, budete si muset vybrat zážitek, který si chcete užít, a k platbě použít tištěné dárkové karty Ferrari World Abu Dhabi.
Všechny dárkové karty Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, které zakoupíte u Coinsbee, vyprší po 6 měsících od data jejich vydání. Společnost neobnovuje platnost dárkových karet Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, jejichž platnost vypršela. Ujistěte se tedy, že je uplatníte, dokud jsou platné.
Pomocí těchto dárkových karet si můžete užít jakýkoli zážitek ze zábavního parku Ferrari World Abu Dhabi. Vaše dárkové karty Ferrari World Abu Dhabi není možné vyměnit za hotovost a jsou také nevratné a nevratné.
Redeemable in UAE stores onlyFerrari World Abu Dhabi ticket prices as follows:One day (1 Park) General Admission (above 1.3m) : AED 295.00 per head | Junior: AED 230 per headOne day (Any 2 Parks - Ferrari World Abu Dhabi | Yas Waterworld | Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi) : AED 345.00 per headTwo days (Any 2 Parks - Ferrari World Abu Dhabi | Yas Waterworld | Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi) : AED 435.00 per headThree days (Any 3 Parks - Ferrari World Abu Dhabi | Yas Waterworld | Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi) : AED 545.00 per headNote: Ferrari World Abu Dhabi will be subject to the new ‘green pass’ protocol. To prioritize the health and safety of guests and staff, everyone aged 16 years and above will be mandatorily required to download the ‘ALHOSN UAE’ smartphone application and show a proof of their ‘green pass’ to be granted entry.Note: Ferrari World Abu Dhabi will be subject to the latest directives issued by the government of Abu Dhabi pertaining to entry regulations to public spaces. To prioritize the health and safety of guests and staff, all visitors will be mandatorily required to download the ‘ALHOSN UAE’ smartphone application and show proof of their vaccination status to be granted entry. visit https://www.ferrariworldabudhabi.com/legal#terms for more information.This eGift Card is not a ticket. In order to obtain your ticket, please bring a printed version of this voucher with you when you visit the park, and show it to the attendant at the information counter. This eGift Card is valid for 6 months from the date of issuance, after which it will expire. Admission and use of the Park is at your sole risk and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, Farah accept no liability for loss, injury of damage sustained in Park.This eGift Card is only valid for a one time purchase to the full value unless otherwise specified.Entry and use of the Park is subject to terms and conditions available on www.ferrariworldabudhabi.com/legal#termsFor Customer Service and Support please reach us at 600 511 115 or email: [email protected] eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded.
This eGift Card will be activated within 48 hours from the time of purchase. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi ticket prices as follows: One day (1 Park) General Admission (above 1.3m) : AED 295.00 per head | Junior: AED 230 per head One day (Any 2 Parks - Ferrari World Abu Dhabi | Yas Waterworld | Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi) : AED 345.00 per head Two days (Any 2 Parks - Ferrari World Abu Dhabi | Yas Waterworld | Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi) : AED 435.00 per head Three days (Any 3 Parks - Ferrari World Abu Dhabi | Yas Waterworld | Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi) : AED 545.00 per head Note: Ferrari World Abu Dhabi will be subject to the new ‘green pass’ protocol. To prioritize the health and safety of guests and staff, everyone aged 16 years and above will be mandatorily required to download the ‘ALHOSN UAE’ smartphone application and show a proof of their ‘green pass’ to be granted entry. Note: Ferrari World Abu Dhabi will be subject to the latest directives issued by the government of Abu Dhabi pertaining to entry regulations to public spaces. To prioritize the health and safety of guests and staff, all visitors will be mandatorily required to download the ‘ALHOSN UAE’ smartphone application and show proof of their vaccination status to be granted entry. visit https://www.ferrariworldabudhabi.com/legal#terms for more information. This eGift Card is not a ticket. In order to obtain your ticket, please bring a printed version of this voucher with you when you visit the park, and show it to the attendant at the information counter. This eGift Card is valid for 6 months from the date of issuance, after which it will expire. Admission and use of the Park is at your sole risk and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, Farah accept no liability for loss, injury of damage sustained in Park. This eGift Card is only valid for a one time purchase to the full value unless otherwise specified. Entry and use of the Park is subject to terms and conditions available on ferrariworldabudhabi.com For Customer Service and Support please reach us at 600 511 115 or email: [email protected] Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded. YouGotaGift.com does not accept cashback, refunds or returns.
S našimi dárkovými kartami pro elektronický obchod můžete nakupovat a platit za mnoho každodenních produktů pomocí bitcoinů, etherea, litecoinu nebo jiných kryptoměn. Lze s ním platit například měsíční předplatné za streamování hudby a videa nebo potřeby pro domácnost, techniku a knihy. Můžete si například nakoupit dárkové karty Amazon s bitcoiny nebo jinými kryptoměnami.
S našimi dárkovými kartami pro elektronický obchod můžete nakupovat a platit za mnoho každodenních produktů pomocí bitcoinů, etherea, litecoinu nebo jiných kryptoměn. Lze s ním platit například měsíční předplatné za streamování hudby a videa nebo potřeby pro domácnost, techniku a knihy. Můžete si například nakoupit dárkové karty Amazon s bitcoiny nebo jinými kryptoměnami.