Origin Gift Card

Buy a Origin gift card with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero or one of over 200 other cryptocurrencies offered. After you have paid, you will instantly receive the voucher code by email.

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Origin is a distribution platform for computer games operated by the game producer EA - Electronic Arts. On the platform are offered beside own games also many other games from other producers. With the EA Origin voucher you can quickly and easily top up your EA wallet. On Coinsbee.com you can buy the EA Origin voucher with Bitcoins, Ethereum, Litecoins or other Cryptocoins. Please make sure you buy the right voucher. EU vouchers only work in countries that have Euro as their currency. Your account must also be registered to a country that uses €. You should also be in that country when you redeem the voucher. If this is not the case, buy an EA voucher for the respective region.

How do I redeem the coupon?

You will receive the voucher code directly after purchase with your Cryptocoins by email. To redeem the voucher code, you will need an EA Origin account, which you can create for free. Please note that the above mentioned notes on the validity of EA Origin vouchers are also valid for European countries. Valid for all other regions, that EA Origin vouchers are country specific. This means that the country for which you are purchasing the Gift Card must match the country of your EA Account.

  • Log in to your EA Origin Client
  • Choose "Origin" from the menu bar and select "Redeem Product Code" from the menu bar.
  • Enter the coupon code in the corresponding field and click on continue.
  • The voucher amount will be credited to your account immediately.

Is the gift card suitable as a gift?

If you have online players in your circle of acquaintances or family, the voucher is very suitable as a gift. There are thousands of games available on the platform and the platform is very popular among players.

Can I return the coupon code from Origin?

A refund is unfortunately excluded. However, you can pass on the voucher code to friends or acquaintances at any time.

What can I buy with the EA Origin voucher?

With the voucher code you can access popular game titles like Star Wars - Jedi Fallen Order, NFS Heat, Fifa 20, APEX Legends, BattleField V or SIMS4 after you have loaded your account.