Salik Gift Card

Buy a Salik gift card with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero or one of over 200 other cryptocurrencies offered. After you have paid, you will instantly receive the voucher code by email.

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What is Salik?

Salik, Arabic for "passable", is the customs system in the Arab Emirate of Dubai. Since summer 2007, some roads, bridges and tunnels in Dubai are subject to tolls. For one passage you pay 4 AED, which is about 0.93 Euro. The passage is registered via a sticker (Salik Tag), which contains an RFID chip. Every car owner in Dubai who wants to pass through the city center has to buy this chip and stick it on the windshield. When driving through one of the toll portals, the vehicle is recognized and the toll is automatically deducted. So in order to be able to pass unhindered, you always need to have credit on your account with Salik. By the way, the minimum charge is AED 50.

Buy Salik credit online with Bitcoin

If you are often traveling in the United Arab Emirates and have private or professional business in Dubai, you will need a sticker from Salik. You can easily top up your Salik account via the Internet. And also with crypto currencies like Litecoin, Ripple or Bitcoin Cash. We accept say and write 50 crypto currencies currently for the exchange on Coinsbee.

How do I get my credit code for Salik?

Salik credits are available at Coinsbee in the values 50 AED, 100 AED or 200 AED. You choose the appropriate balance and pay the value with your crypto credit from your wallet. The credit code will be sent to the email address you provide. You can then activate it immediately at Salik. To do so, download the Salik Smart App to your smartphone and register once. Afterwards you can deposit your credit code directly, minimum per recharge in the Salik Smart App is always 50 AED.

How long is the code valid for Salik?

Credit codes for Salik are valid for an unlimited time. So you can give them away to other car owners who have a Salik tag stuck to their car in Dubai.