Vanguard Gift Card

Buy a Vanguard gift card with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero or one of over 200 other cryptocurrencies offered. After you have paid, you will instantly receive the voucher code by email.

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Vanguard is the third biggest supermarket chain in Hong Kong. Founded in 1984, Vanguard is owned by China Resources (CRC), one of the most stable retailers in Greater China. As of 2016, Vanguard boasted over 3,000 stores across 250 cities in 30 provinces including, Hong Kong, Beijing, Zhejiang, Shanghai, and Jiangsu.

Besides Vanguard, China Resources has other popular sub-brands, such as U Select, VanGO, LifeSpace, etc. The enterprise entered a pact with Tesco, a British Supermarket to set up a joint international venture of hypermarkets, convenience shops, cash and carry businesses, and liquor stores.

Even after 30 years of growth, the enterprise stays true to its vision: to improve people’s quality of life and be an excellent retail enterprise. Customer expectations guide Vanguard’s development, and they always aim to deliver quality products and exceptional service to their clients. Today, Vanguard has over 120 branches in Hong Kong and about 1500 employees.

For the best shopping experiences and great discount deals at Vanguard stores, get yourself or your work colleagues a Vanguard gift card from

How To Redeem Vanguard Gift Cards?

Once you have paid, Coinsbee will deliver the e-gift card details to you through email. Print or scan the card details and present them to the cashier at your nearby Mainland China Vanguard store. The value of the card will get deducted to cover your purchases.

When Do Vanguard Gift Cards Expire?

Vanguard gift cards expire after two years from the purchase date. But it’s wise to redeem the card as soon as you get it to avoid expiry issues.

What Can You Use Vanguard Gift Cards For?

Redeem your gift card to purchase products sold at any Vanguard store in Mainland China.

Vanguard China

This electronic card can be used in China Uni-President stores of China Resources Vanguard. The list of China Resources Vanguard Line stores is available on the official website .The electronic code can be used as many times as a normal shopping card.The electronic card does not support recharge, unregistered, no loss, no password, no overdraft, no interest, no exchange of cash, no change, e-vouchers are not refundable upon verification.The consumer store using the electronic code can no longer issue an invoice, and the electronic code can be applied to the merchant on the purchase APP, due to the special nature of the goods, once sold, no return.