Buy Gift Cards with Storj (STORJ)

Coinsbee bridges the gap between cryptocurrencies and everyday purchases. Our platform allows you to effortlessly convert your Storj (STORJ) into tangible purchasing power through a wide range of gift cards. Using your digital assets is now easier than ever thanks to our service, which supports over 200 different cryptocurrencies. Maximize your Storj (STORJ) holdings by easily converting them into gift cards for top stores and online services, offering a simple, quick, and secure process. Our user-friendly platform and diverse catalog cater to all preferences, ensuring a smooth purchasing experience.

Storj (STORJ)

Best Gift Cards to Buy with Storj (STORJ)

We offer a diverse selection of gift cards for shopping, entertainment, and gaming, enabling your cryptocurrency to access a broad range of services, including top online marketplaces, video streaming, and gaming platforms.
Selecting the perfect gift card goes beyond the transaction and focuses on the experiences it delivers. Our platform makes converting your Storj (STORJ) to gift cards as simple and flexible as the digital currency itself, with a commitment to variety that keeps our catalog full of fresh and exciting brands, bringing you the very best options out there.

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Anything you want to buy, you buy with Storj

The Kryptocoin Storj is a means of payment from the Blockchain, with which you can now also go shopping at many large and well-known online shops. You ask yourself why these e-commerce platforms accept the Storj? All shops allow the redemption of credit codes or gift vouchers. At Coinsbee you purchase these voucher codes and pay for them with your crypto money. You will then receive an email from Coinsbee with the voucher code. All you have to do is enter the code on the website of the supplier and you will be credited with the amount of your purchase.

For Russia's largest search engine Yandex Money pay with Storj

Russia's largest search engine Yandex also has its own payment service Yandex Money. If you have relations in Russia and order goods online, it is advantageous for you to settle your purchases with Russia's leading payment provider. And because you like to shop safely, you want to pay with crypto money like Storj. What sounded somewhat utopian in the past can now also be easily implemented on Russian platforms. Because on Coinsbee you get vouchers for Yandex, which you can obtain with Storj and many other crypto currencies. Yandex Money credits are available on Coinsbee at values between 500 RUB and 10,000 RUB. Order as many credit codes as you need. The code will be sent to your inbox by e-mail immediately after payment. So you can pay for goods or services on the Russian Internet with Yandex Money within minutes.

And what else you can pay with Storj

The ruble rolls not only in Russia, however, where you can pay at Yandex Money with Storj and over 40 other digital crypto currencies. Also here in Germany you can use many of the prepaid cards from our range here on Coinsbee. Payments on ebay, purchases from Amazon or software from Microsoft can be paid with Storj on Coinsbee. Gamers will get their money's worth if they want to buy gift credits with Cryptocoins. Because all relevant providers have credit cards in their program. Simply select the desired recharge amount for PlayStation Store, PlayStation Plus, Google PlayStore, Apple App Store, Facebook Gaming, Xbox One, Xbox Live or Nintendo and place your order in the shopping basket. Once you've paid with Storj, you're ready to play. The e-mail with the credit code will be sent to you immediately. But you can also buy credit for SIM cards in the mobile sector with digital money from the block chain here at Coinsbee.

Storj - a cloud storage in the block chain, with whose token you can pay

Storj is a cloud storage platform developed on the basis of the block chain. Storj was founded in 2014 by Shawn Wilkinson James Prestwich, Jim Lowry, John Quinn and Tom Boshevski in Atlanta, Georgia. The cloud storage is decentralized, uses peer-to-peer technology and end-to-end encryption. The crypto currency Storj of the same name is an ERC 20 crypto currency token with which the platform rewards its members who provide storage. In the first round of financing in May 2017, Storj was able to bring $30 million worth of coins to market within six days. Companies such as Plesk, Couchbase, Nextcloud and are on Storj's customer list.