eLearnGift ajándékkártya

Vásároljon eLearnGift ajándékkártyát Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero vagy a több mint 200 egyéb kriptovaluta egyikével. Miután fizetett, azonnal megkapja az utalványkódot e-mailben.

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Az eLearnGift egy online tanulási platform, amely megfizethető és könnyen hozzáférhető tananyagokat és online kurzusokat kínál az Európában és Ázsiában tanuló diákok számára. A cég elkötelezett amellett, hogy mindenki számára egyenlő hozzáférést biztosítson az oktatáshoz.

Specializáltak rövid, készség alapú kurzusokban, amelyek célja, hogy felszereljék az embereket olyan munkaképességekkel, amelyek munkalehetőségeket teremtenek számukra. A szolgáltatás lehetővé teszi több mint 200 angol nyelvű kurzus elérését egy kattintással. Emellett mindezek a kurzusok megfizethetőek és könnyen tanulhatók.

Most élvezze az eLearnGift legjobb tanulási élményét, és felszerelje magát első osztályú tudással és készségekkel. Ezt megteheti, ha vásárol egy ajándékkártyát a Coinsbee.com oldalon Bitcoin és más kriptovaluták felhasználásával.

1. E-gift card codes cannot be cancelled or exchanged for cash or sold for use with third parties.2. Any E-gift card codes that have been deemed to have been resold via any unidentified or unauthorised third party reseller shall be invalid and the amount held on those E-gift card codes will be voided.3. There will be no liability for any E-gift card codes which have been deemed invalid or voided due to any breach of the Terms and Conditions of the Website and the Terms and Conditions of Sale.4. In no event will the liability for any claims exceed the value of any individual E-gift card purchase or any individual E-gift card or combined individual Recipient purchase.5. You can only transact in the currency of the gift card that you intend to use.

eLearnGift AU

1. E-gift card codes cannot be cancelled or exchanged for cash or sold for use with third parties.2. Any E-gift card codes that have been deemed to have been resold via any unidentified or unauthorised third party reseller shall be invalid and the amount held on those E-gift card codes will be voided.3. There will be no liability for any E-gift card codes which have been deemed invalid or voided due to any breach of the Terms and Conditions of the Website and the Terms and Conditions of Sale.4. In no event will the liability for any claims exceed the value of any individual E-gift card purchase or any individual E-gift card or combined individual Recipient purchase.5. You can only transact in the currency of the gift card that you intend to use.

eLearnGift CA

1. E-gift card codes cannot be cancelled or exchanged for cash or sold for use with third parties.2. Any E-gift card codes that have been deemed to have been resold via any unidentified or unauthorised third party reseller shall be invalid and the amount held on those E-gift card codes will be voided.3. There will be no liability for any E-gift card codes which have been deemed invalid or voided due to any breach of the Terms and Conditions of the Website and the Terms and Conditions of Sale.4. In no event will the liability for any claims exceed the value of any individual E-gift card purchase or any individual E-gift card or combined individual Recipient purchase.5. You can only transact in the currency of the gift card that you intend to use.

eLearnGift DE

For terms & condition refer to https://tripgift.com/info/terms-and-conditions.aspx

eLearnGift EU

These terms and conditions apply to all Digital Content (all gift card codes, i.e. *eGift Card(s) or eGift codes, Discount Vouchers, e-Ticket, e-Voucher, Reward e-Vouchers, Digital Media (eProducts) including eLearning and eLanguage courses

eLearnGift IE

For terms & condition refer to https://tripgift.com/info/terms-and-conditions.aspx

eLearnGift UK

This TripGift category 2 eGift code is valid for Business to Business or Business to Employee users only and has an expiration date of 12 months from the date of delivery. Subject to any applicable local Country and State law and any required residual refund balances in certain Countries and States. You can use up to 2 eGift codes per transaction. Registration is required before use. For the full terms and conditions please visit: https://www.tripgift.com/info/terms-and-conditions.aspx

eLearnGift US

1. E-gift card codes cannot be cancelled or exchanged for cash or sold for use with third parties.2. Any E-gift card codes that have been deemed to have been resold via any unidentified or unauthorised third party reseller shall be invalid and the amount held on those E-gift card codes will be voided.3. There will be no liability for any E-gift card codes which have been deemed invalid or voided due to any breach of the Terms and Conditions of the Website and the Terms and Conditions of Sale.4. In no event will the liability for any claims exceed the value of any individual E-gift card purchase or any individual E-gift card or combined individual Recipient purchase.5. You can only transact in the currency of the gift card that you intend to use.