Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Gavekort

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Ferrari World Abu Dhabi er en ledende fornøyelsespark i UAE som tilbyr 41 myldrende turer og opplevelser. Hvis du er en eventyrer, må du besøke denne parken på din neste tur til UAE. Du kan også bruke Ferrari World Abu Dhabi-gavekort til å kjøpe alle tjenestene og turene som parken tilbyr. Hvis du ønsker å kjøpe disse gavekortene, trenger du ikke lete lenger enn til Coinsbee. Det er en nettplattform som lar deg bruke digital valuta som betalingsmetode. På Coinsbee kan du kjøpe Ferrari World Abu Dhabi gavekort med Bitcoin, Binance Coin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, NANO, Tether og 200 andre populære typer digitale valutaer. Annet enn Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, tilbyr Coinsbee også gavekort til hundrevis av verdensledende merker, og du kan bruke hvilken som helst støttet digital valuta for å kjøpe dem.

Hvordan løse inn Ferrari World Abu Dhabi gavekort?

Husk at Ferrari World Abu Dhabi-gavekort ikke er billettene for delen. Du må fullføre kjøpsprosessen for Ferrari World Abu Dhabi-gavekort på Coinsbee for å motta din Ferrari World Abu Dhabi-gavekortinformasjon via e-post. Da må du skrive ut den informasjonen og besøke parken. Når du er i parken, må du velge opplevelsen du vil nyte og bruke dine trykte Ferrari World Abu Dhabi-gavekort for å foreta betalingen.

Når utløper Ferrari World Abu Dhabi-gavekortene?

Alle Ferrari World Abu Dhabi-gavekortene du kjøper fra Coinsbee utløper etter 6 måneder etter utstedelsesdatoen. Selskapet revaliderer ikke utløpte Ferrari World Abu Dhabi-gavekort. Så sørg for at du løser dem inn mens de er gyldige.

Hva kan du bruke Ferrari World Abu Dhabi-gavekort til?

Du kan nyte enhver opplevelse fra Ferrari World Abu Dhabi temapark ved å bruke disse gavekortene. Det er ikke mulig å løse inn Ferrari World Abu Dhabi-gavekortene dine for kontanter, og de kan heller ikke returneres og ikke refunderes.

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi

Redeemable in UAE stores onlyFerrari World Abu Dhabi ticket prices as follows:One day (1 Park) General Admission (above 1.3m) : AED 295.00 per head | Junior: AED 230 per headOne day (Any 2 Parks - Ferrari World Abu Dhabi | Yas Waterworld | Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi) : AED 345.00 per headTwo days (Any 2 Parks - Ferrari World Abu Dhabi | Yas Waterworld | Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi) : AED 435.00 per headThree days (Any 3 Parks - Ferrari World Abu Dhabi | Yas Waterworld | Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi) : AED 545.00 per headNote: Ferrari World Abu Dhabi will be subject to the new ‘green pass’ protocol. To prioritize the health and safety of guests and staff, everyone aged 16 years and above will be mandatorily required to download the ‘ALHOSN UAE’ smartphone application and show a proof of their ‘green pass’ to be granted entry.Note: Ferrari World Abu Dhabi will be subject to the latest directives issued by the government of Abu Dhabi pertaining to entry regulations to public spaces. To prioritize the health and safety of guests and staff, all visitors will be mandatorily required to download the ‘ALHOSN UAE’ smartphone application and show proof of their vaccination status to be granted entry. visit for more information.This eGift Card is not a ticket. In order to obtain your ticket, please bring a printed version of this voucher with you when you visit the park, and show it to the attendant at the information counter. This eGift Card is valid for 6 months from the date of issuance, after which it will expire. Admission and use of the Park is at your sole risk and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, Farah accept no liability for loss, injury of damage sustained in Park.This eGift Card is only valid for a one time purchase to the full value unless otherwise specified.Entry and use of the Park is subject to terms and conditions available on Customer Service and Support please reach us at 600 511 115 or email: [email protected] eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded.

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi UAE

This eGift Card will be activated within 48 hours from the time of purchase. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi ticket prices as follows: One day (1 Park) General Admission (above 1.3m) : AED 295.00 per head | Junior: AED 230 per head One day (Any 2 Parks - Ferrari World Abu Dhabi | Yas Waterworld | Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi) : AED 345.00 per head Two days (Any 2 Parks - Ferrari World Abu Dhabi | Yas Waterworld | Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi) : AED 435.00 per head Three days (Any 3 Parks - Ferrari World Abu Dhabi | Yas Waterworld | Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi) : AED 545.00 per head Note: Ferrari World Abu Dhabi will be subject to the new ‘green pass’ protocol. To prioritize the health and safety of guests and staff, everyone aged 16 years and above will be mandatorily required to download the ‘ALHOSN UAE’ smartphone application and show a proof of their ‘green pass’ to be granted entry. Note: Ferrari World Abu Dhabi will be subject to the latest directives issued by the government of Abu Dhabi pertaining to entry regulations to public spaces. To prioritize the health and safety of guests and staff, all visitors will be mandatorily required to download the ‘ALHOSN UAE’ smartphone application and show proof of their vaccination status to be granted entry. visit for more information. This eGift Card is not a ticket. In order to obtain your ticket, please bring a printed version of this voucher with you when you visit the park, and show it to the attendant at the information counter. This eGift Card is valid for 6 months from the date of issuance, after which it will expire. Admission and use of the Park is at your sole risk and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, Farah accept no liability for loss, injury of damage sustained in Park. This eGift Card is only valid for a one time purchase to the full value unless otherwise specified. Entry and use of the Park is subject to terms and conditions available on For Customer Service and Support please reach us at 600 511 115 or email: [email protected] Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded. does not accept cashback, refunds or returns.