CU 礼品卡





check icon 即时, 私密, 安全
check icon 電子郵件傳送

CU 是一家行业领先的连锁便利店,提供您可以购买的产品以满足您的所有日常需求。 目前,该公司在全国拥有8000多家特许经营店。 您也可以使用礼品卡从该公司购买所需的产品。 购买 CU 韩国礼品卡的最佳在线地点是 Coinsbee。 那是因为在这里,你可以使用你的数字货币而不是政府发行的法定货币。 该平台支持 50 多种著名的山寨币,可在超过 165 个不同的国家使用。


如何兑换您的 CU 韩国礼品卡?

从 Coinsbee 购买 CU 韩国礼品卡后,您将收到一封包含礼品卡信息的电子邮件。 您需要打印礼品卡并将其带到离您最近的 CU 韩国商店。 结账时,您需要向收银员提供打印的礼品卡,以便将它们用于您选择的商品。


CU 韩国礼品卡在发行之日起 12 个月后过期。 之后,该卡将无法兑换。

您可以使用 CU 韩国礼品卡做什么?

您可以使用礼品卡在 CU 韩国便利网上商店购买任何产品。 不允许余额退款或现金兑换,您也不能将其兑换为购买其他 CU 韩国礼品卡。

CU South Korea

Notes-If the barcode is not recognized, payment is possible by entering the number at the bottom of the barcode.-Gift certificates received as corporate giveaways and promotions cannot be exchanged for cash or refunded. -If a redemption point is specified, you can use the voucher only at that redemption point. -If the available date is specified, you can use the gift certificate only on that date. -If the conditions of use are specified, vouchers cannot be used if the conditions are not met. ○ Refund Information-Gift certificates received as corporate prizes and promotions cannot be exchanged for cash or refunded. -If a refund is requested within the initial validity period, the purchaser can receive a refund of 100% of the payment amount. -When requesting a refund after the expiration of the initial expiration date, the recipient can receive a refund for 90% of the payment amount.-You must use more than 60% of coupons exceeding 10,000 won and 80% of coupons under 10,000 won to apply for a refund. -Cash refunds cannot be made at CU stores. Please contact the customer service center to request a refund. ○ Balance check-Check the balance to the convenience store store worker (can be checked on the product payment receipt printed)