New Look 礼品卡

使用比特币、莱特币、门罗币或超过200种其他加密货币之一购买New Look礼品卡。支付后,您将立即通过电子邮件收到兑换码。




check icon 即时, 私密, 安全
check icon 電子郵件傳送

New Look是英国最受欢迎的时装设计师之一,成立于1969年。该公司目前在全国范围内提供600多家商店,在那里你一定能找到适合你的东西。你可以选购New Look带来的最新的时尚潮流,这些潮流来自世界著名的设计师,如Lily Allen、Kelly Brook和Giles Deacon。从泳装、内衣、孕妇装、配饰、鞋类到男装、女装、童装,这家公司提供一切。此外,从这家公司获得你想要的产品的最好方法是购买New Look礼品卡。你可以在Coinsbee上实现,因为它允许你使用200多种不同类型的加密货币,如BTC、LTC、ETH、XRP、DOGE等。

如何兑换您的New Look礼品卡?

一旦您成功支付了您的New Look礼品卡,您可以使用从Coinsbee通过电子邮件收到的信息来赎回它们。

如果您想在网上兑换您的New Look礼品卡,那么您需要在New Look官方网上商店将您想要的产品添加到您的购物车中。然后你需要在支付页面上选择礼品卡选项,并输入礼品卡号码,PIN码将应用于你的订单总额。

你也可以在店内兑换你的New Look礼品卡,把它们打印出来并带到你附近的New Look商店。你只需在付款时向收银员出示打印好的礼品卡。 

New Look礼品卡何时过期?

您在Coinsbee购买的New Look礼品卡在其发行日期的四个月后过期。

您可以将New Look礼品卡用于哪些方面?

你可以用你的New Look礼品卡在New Look官方网上或实体店购买任何你想要的东西。你只需要确保礼品卡没有过期。

NEW LOOK E-GIFT CARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS : 1. eGift cards can be redeemed online at (subject to website terms and conditions). 2. eGift cards may be exchanged for goods of a higher price than the face value of the eGift card on payment of the difference. 3. If you do not spend the entire balance on the eGift card the remaining balance will be updated after each transaction. 4. If any product purchased with an eGift card is subsequently exchanged for a product of a lower price or a refund, any money owing will be added to the remaining balance on the eGift card. 5. eGift cards have a maximum value limit of £1,000. eGift cards can be topped up to that maximum value limit. 6. eGift cards will be valid for 12 months from issuance and 18 months from the last transaction (transactions include balance enquiries). Any remaining balance will be cancelled on expiry of the validity period. 7. Please check online for balance enquiries or contact us by phone on 0500 454 094 (local rates apply but please note mobile rates vary). 8. eGift cards cannot be exchanged for cash or used towards payment of any outstanding balance on a New Look Store Card. 9. Please treat eGift cards as cash. New Look will not accept liability for lost, stolen or damaged eGift cards. 10. New Look reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions or eGift cards at any time and to take appropriate action, including the cancellation of the eGift cards if, at its discretion, it deems such action necessary. This does not affect your legal rights. 11. The term eGift Card includes eGift Cards, eGift codes and virtual vouchers.