Thao Quyen Quy 或 TQQ 是一个通过优质产品和服务为男士提供奢华体验的品牌。该品牌拥有范围广泛的男式衬衫,款式和剪裁各不相同。 TQQ 旨在满足希望在日常生活中看起来漂亮的客户的需求,无论是在工作中还是在休闲时间。
您可以在我们的网站上使用比特币、以太币或 200 种其他加密货币购买 TQQ 礼品卡。我们也接受信用卡付款。我们所有的礼品卡都会通过电子邮件即时送达,因此您无需等待礼品卡送达。您可以为自己或他人购买 TQQ 礼品卡。
前往任意一家 TQQ 商店,并向收银员出示您的代金券代码。选择您想要的商品,并使用您的 TQQ 礼品卡付款。收银员会扫描您的卡上的条形码。您将收到一张购买收据,上面印有一个礼品代码。
TQQ 礼品卡自购买之日起有效期为一年。
您可以在 TQQ 商店通过出示您的礼品卡来检查余额。
您可以使用礼品卡在 TQQ 商店购买任何商品。
Voucher is used at appointed address of TQQ. For more details, please check “Location” section.Able to combine multiple vouchers in the same bill; Voucher may not be resold. Cash refunds are not permitted. Voucher may not be redeemed for cash under any circumstances. If purchase amount exceeds the value of E-Gift Voucher, the balance amount shall be paid by the voucher holder.Voucher is valid in conjunction with other promotions.Voucher is valid for single use only. Vouchers that have been altered or expired or used will not be accepted.Link Voucher must be presented at the time of purchase.Please check the Expiry Date indicated on the Voucher carefully. Vouchers are the sole responsibility of the holder, UrBox does not take responsibility for Vouchers that are lost or mislaid, protect them as you would cash.UrBox do not warrant that the quality of any products, services, information, or that any subsequent disputes between customer and TQQ.UrBox reserves the right to alter, change and/or add to the terms and conditions of this Voucher at any time without notifying the voucher holder.If you have any further questions about UrBox Voucher, please contact us on Hotline: 1900 299 232 (from 8:00 to 22:00 every day, including holidays)