1-800-PetSupplies 礼品卡





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check icon 電子郵件傳送

1-800-PetSupplies 是为您的宠物购买任何物品的一站式来源。该公司为猫、狗、鸟和其他小型宠物提供所有类型的产品,例如床、喂食器、载体、清洁用品、房屋、玩具等。如果您想购买这些产品,请考虑使用 1-800-PetSupplies 礼品卡。这是购买所需产品的绝佳方式,因为您无需将个人银行信息附加到任何第三方网站。如果您想购买这些礼品卡,那么 Coinsbee 就是您可以实际使用数字货币作为付款方式的地方。 Coinsbee 允许您使用比特币、币安币、比特币现金、NANO、Tether 和 200 种其他流行的数字货币购买 1-800-PetSupplies 礼品卡。


如何兑换您的 1-800-PetSupplies 礼品卡?

在 Coinsbee 上完成 1-800-PetSupplies 礼品卡购买流程后,您将收到一封电子邮件。它将包含您兑换过程所需的所有信息。收到该信息后,您需要访问官方 1-800-PetSupplies 在线商店,并将您想要购买的产品添加到您的购物车中。付款时,您需要向收银员提供您的 1-800-PetSupplies 礼品卡信息,以便将其价值应用于您的账单。

1-800-PetSupplies 礼品卡何时到期?

从 Coinsbee 购买 1-800-PetSupplies 礼品卡的最大好处是它们没有任何有效期。您可以随时使用它们,也可以将它们作为完美的礼物送给您所爱的人。

您可以使用 1-800-PetSupplies 礼品卡做什么?

您可以使用这些礼品卡从官方 1-800-PetSupplies 在线商店购买任何您想要的东西。请记住,无法将 1-800-PetSupplies 礼品卡兑换成现金,而且不可退还且不可退款。


Your acceptance of this eCertificate constitutes your agreement to these terms and conditions. This card is redeemable in U.S. only for merchandise on www.1-800-petsupplies.com. Only two eCertificates are redeemable per order. eCertificates cannot be redeemed for cash, except as required by law. Void if altered or reproduced. This gift card is issued in U.S. funds by Tabcom, LLC.

1-800-PetSupplies US

Terms and Conditions Your acceptance of this eCertificate constitutes your agreement to these terms and conditions. This card is redeemable in U.S. only for merchandise on www.1-800-petsupplies.com. Only two eCertificates are redeemable per order. eCertificates cannot be redeemed for cash, except as required by law. Void if altered or reproduced. This gift card is issued in U.S. funds by Tabcom, LLC.When Redeeming online please be sure to enter the entire gift card number including preceding zeros. The maximum number of eCertificates that can be used for phone is nine.By accepting these Terms and Conditions through your use of this Site, you certify that you reside in the United States and are 18 years of age or older. If you are under the age of 18 but at least 14 years of age you may use this Site only under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. TABcom does not knowingly collect personal information about children under the age of 14 without prior parental consent. If you are a parent or legal guardian agreeing to these Terms and Conditions for the benefit of a child between the ages of 14 and 18, please be advised that you are fully responsible for his or her use of this site, including all financial charges and legal liability that he or she may incur.