220.lv 是 Pigu 集团的子公司,分别是 Pigu.it 和 Kaup24.ee 在立陶宛和爱沙尼亚的所有者。 220.lv 成立于 2005 年,可能是拉脱维亚最古老的电子商店。它使客户可以访问多个类别的多种产品,包括:
2008 年和 2013 年,在线商店分别更名为 UAB 220.lv 和 UAB Pigu Latvia。如今,该电子商务网站拥有超过 100 万活跃消费者。得益于其优质且价格合理的产品系列、24 小时移动支持、令人印象深刻的退货和保修政策,它每年都会获得巨大的流量。
为了在网上商店获得更好的购物体验,请给自己一张 Coinsbee 的 220.lv 礼品卡。 Coinsbee.com 是一个值得信赖的加密平台。它允许用户使用他们的比特币、莱特币或以太坊购买超过 4000 个知名品牌的礼品卡。
The gift card can only be used to buy products only sold by www.220.lv AND NOT FOR PRODUCTS SOLD by 3rd party sellers on market place - One or more Gift Cards can be used for one single order. - If the value of the order exceeds the value of the Gift Cards/s, the customer must pay the difference to complete the order. - The Gift Card can be used ONLY ONCE. Any remaining funds in case the value of a purchase/order is LESS THAN the value of the Gift Card is NOT REFUNDED and CANNOT be used for other purchases/orders. - The Gift Card can be used to buy one or more products, as long as they are purchased in one purchase/order. - The amount on the Gift Card must be spent in one purchase. - There is no cash-back or change-in cash possible.