在本指南中,您將學習如何使用 Bitcoin、Ethereum、Litecoin 或任何其他加密貨幣購買 Amazon 禮品卡。
Amazon 禮品卡可以兌換數百萬種商品。龐大的選擇包括書籍、電子產品、音樂、MP3 下載、電影與電視、服飾、電子遊戲、軟體、運動與休閒、玩具、嬰兒、電腦與辦公室、居家與花園、珠寶、美容、居家裝潢與翻新、辦公室用品、相機與相片、寵物用品等產品。您幾乎可以找到並發現任何您想以優惠價格在線上購買的商品。自 1994 年以來,該公司經歷了顯著的成長,這要歸功於他們所創造的購物體驗,讓每位顧客都能感受到度身訂造的購物體驗。
不過不用擔心!您仍然可以使用您最喜愛的加密貨幣從 Amazon 購買各種產品,如玩具、書籍、窗簾、健身器材等。繼續閱讀,了解如何在 Amazon 上花費比特幣。
如上所述,Amazon 尚未接受比特幣付款。但您仍然可以使用加密貨幣在該電子商務平台上購買您喜愛的產品。您只需前往 Coinsbee.com,使用 Bitcoin、Ethereum 或其他加密貨幣購買 amazon 禮品卡。
和一般的禮品卡一樣,不論您身在何處,都可以使用 Amazon 禮品卡兌換平台上銷售的數百萬種商品。您可以使用禮品卡購買的商品包括服裝、軟體、電子遊戲、嬰兒服裝、家庭和花園用品、相機、寵物用品、書籍、電子產品等。
Coinsbee 免除了您在亞馬遜購物時需要將加密貨幣兌換成當地貨幣的煩惱。您只需使用 Bitcoin、Litecoin、Dogecoin、Ethereum 等購買 Amazon 禮品卡,即可在您方便的時候在平台上購物。
Coinsbee 為您提供使用 Bitcoin 或 200+ 其他加密貨幣支付 3000+ 品牌禮品卡的功能。這還不是全部!您還可以支付手機充值,甚至是Steam和Playstation Network等熱門服務的增值卡。
如果您想購買 Amazon 禮物卡,Coinsbee 是您的最佳選擇。您只需輸入禮品卡的金額和您想要的加密貨幣。結帳時,您輸入電子郵件地址並完成交易。之後,您會在幾分鐘內在電子郵箱中收到禮品卡。
更棒的是,如果出現問題,您可以聯繫 Coinsbee 的客戶支持團隊。他們會迅速解決問題,而您也會收到您的 Amazon 禮品卡。
Amazon、Amazon標誌和Amazon.com是Amazon EU SARL及其附屬公司的註冊商標。Coinsbee和Amazon兩家公司沒有關係。
很遗憾,您无法使用代金券为您的Amazon Prime账户充值。
*Restrictions apply. For complete terms and conditions, visit: amazon.de/gc-legal.
Amazon.ca is not a sponsor of this promotion. Amazon.ca Gift Certificates ("GCs") are redeemable only for eligible products on Amazon.ca. Return policies for products are available on Amazon.ca. Except as required by law, GCs cannot be reloaded, resold, transferred for value, redeemed for cash or applied to any other account. To view a GC balance or for more information about your GC, visit "Your Account" on Amazon.ca or contact us at www.amazon.ca/contact-us. GCs cannot be used to purchase other GCs. Amazon is not responsible if a GC is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission. For complete terms and conditions, see www.amazon.ca/gc-legal. GCs are issued by Amazon.com.ca, Inc., a Delaware corporation. All Amazon ®, ™ & © are IP of Amazon.com or its affiliates. No expiration date or service fees.
Amazon.fr is not a sponsor of this promotion. Amazon.fr Gift Certificates (""GCs"") may be redeemed on the Amazon.fr website towards the purchase of eligible products listed in our online catalogue and sold by Amazon.fr or any other seller selling through Amazon.fr. GCs cannot be reloaded, resold, transferred for value, redeemed for cash or applied to any other account. Amazon.fr is not responsible if a GC is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission. See www.amazon.fr/utiliser-un-cheque-cadeau for complete terms and conditions. GCs are issued by Amazon EU S.à r.l. All Amazon ®, ™ & © are IP of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
Please note that this reward expires 10 years from issuance.
*Restrictions apply. For complete terms and conditions, visit: amazon.de/gc-legal.
*Amazon.co.uk is not a sponsor of this promotion. Amazon.co.uk Gift Cards ("GCs") may be redeemed on the Amazon.co.uk website towards the purchase of eligible products available on www.amazon.co.uk. GCs cannot be reloaded, resold, transferred for value, redeemed for cash or applied to any other account. Amazon.co.uk is not responsible if a GC is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission. See www.amazon.co.uk/gc-legalfor complete terms and conditions. GCs are issued by Amazon EU S.à r.l. All Amazon ®, ™ & © are IP of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
Amazon.it is not a sponsor of this promotion. Amazon.it Gift Certificates (""GCs"") may be redeemed on the Amazon.it website towards the purchase of eligible products listed in our online catalogue and sold by Amazon.it or any other seller selling through Amazon.it. GCs cannot be reloaded, resold, transferred for value, redeemed for cash or applied to any other account. Amazon.it is not responsible if a GC is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission. See www.amazon.it/buoni-regalo-termini-condizioni for complete terms and conditions. GCs are issued by Amazon EU S.à r.l. All Amazon ®, ™ & © are IP of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
Please note that this reward expires 10 years from issuance.
To use Amazon.co.jp gift certificates and Amazon.co.jp shopping cards (“Gift Certificates”) issued by Amazon Gift Cards Japan K.K. (“Amazon GC”), you need to create an account on http://www.amazon.co.jp (including PC and mobile sites. “Amazon Sites”). Gift Certificates can only be redeemed through Amazon Sites, and cannot be used to purchase other Gift Certificates or to pay Amazon Prime annual membership fee. Gift Certificate balance will expire at 11:59 p.m. (Japan Time) of the date specified on each Gift Certificate. Gift Certificates are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. Amazon GC or its affiliates are not responsible if Gift Certificate is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without your permission. If you want to know Gift Certificate balance or have any other questions regarding Gift Certificates, please call Customer Service (TEL: 0120-999-373, Address: Arco Tower Annex, 1-8-1 Shimomeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0064, Japan). For more information, please read the full Terms and Conditions of Gift Certificates (http://www.amazon.co.jp/giftcard/tc).
*Amazon.co.jp is not the sponsor of this promotion/program.
*Restrictions apply. For complete terms and conditions, visit: amazon.de/gc-legal.
*Restrictions apply. For complete terms and conditions, visit: amazon.de/gc-legal.
Amazon.es is not a sponsor of this promotion. Amazon.es Gift Certificates (""GCs"") may be redeemed on the Amazon.es website towards the purchase of eligible products listed in our online catalogue and sold by Amazon.es or any other seller selling through Amazon.es. GCs cannot be reloaded, resold, transferred for value, redeemed for cash or applied to any other account. Amazon.es is not responsible if a GC is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission. See www.amazon.es/cheques-regalo-condiciones for complete terms and conditions. GCs are issued by Amazon EU S.à r.l. All Amazon ®, ™ & © are IP of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
Please note that this reward expires 10 years from issuance.
*Amazon.co.uk is not a sponsor of this promotion. Amazon.co.uk Gift Cards ("GCs") may be redeemed on the Amazon.co.uk website towards the purchase of eligible products available on www.amazon.co.uk. GCs cannot be reloaded, resold, transferred for value, redeemed for cash or applied to any other account. Amazon.co.uk is not responsible if a GC is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission. See www.amazon.co.uk/gc-legal for complete terms and conditions. GCs are issued by Amazon EU S.à r.l. All Amazon ®, ™ & © are IP of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
Restrictions apply, see amazon.com/gc-legal
Amazon.com.au gift cards can be used only for the purchase of eligible goods on Amazon.com.au. For complete terms and conditions, see www.amazon.com.au/gc-legal
*Restrictions apply. For complete terms and conditions, visit: amazon.de/gc-legal.
-Amazon Gift Cards (""GCs"") are issued by the Qwikcilver Solutions Private limited (""Qwikcilver""). Credit and Debit Cards issued outside India cannot be used to purchase Amazon.in Gift Cards.
-To add your GC to your Amazon Pay balance, visit amazon.in/addgiftcard
-Beneficiary can apply the 14 digit code (under scratch card) on amazon.in/addgiftcard and add the gift card balance in his/her Amazon.in account. This balance gets automatically applied at the time of next purchase. There is no cap on number of gift cards that can be added to an account.
-Amazon Pay balance is a sum of all balances associated with the GCs in your Amazon.in account.
-Amazon Pay balance are redeemable across all products on Amazon.in except apps, certain global store products and other Amazon.in gift cards.
-Amazon Pay balance must be used only towards the purchase of eligible products on amazon.in
-The GCs, including any unused Amazon Pay balance, expire one year from the date of issuance of the GC
-GCs cannot be transferred for value or redeemed for the cash.
-Qwikcilver, Amazon Seller Service Private Limited (""Amazon"") or their affiliates are not responsible if a GC is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission.
-For Complete terms and conditions, see amazon.in/giftcardtnc
-in logo/trademark is an IP of Amazon or its affiliates and the Qwikcilver trademark/logo is an IP of Qwikcilver.
-To redeem your GC, visit amazon.in/addgiftcard
使用我们的电子商务礼品卡,您可以使用Bitcoin、Ethereum、Litecoin或其他加密货币购买和支付许多日常产品。例如,音乐和视频流媒体的月度订阅费用或家庭用品、技术和书籍的需求可以用它支付。例如,您可以使用Bitcoin或其他加密货币购买Amazon礼品卡。 显示所有电商品牌