使用比特币、莱特币、门罗币或超过200种其他加密货币之一购买Traklin Hashmal礼品卡。支付后,您将立即通过电子邮件收到兑换码。
Traklin Hashmal Ltd. 位于以色列海法,是该国领先的电子和家电连锁店之一。公司主营电脑及配件、电器、电脑服务、空调、家庭娱乐、燃气取暖器、炉灶等。
Traklin Hashmal 成立于 1948 年,从那时起,它已经扩展到从南到北的几个地区。目前,该公司拥有60多个网点。
这家公司从竞争对手中脱颖而出,因为它为客户提供有竞争力的价格和出色的客户服务。 Traklin Hashmal 经常将客户的需求放在首位,为他们量身定制最合适的产品。它在保持高水平的专业精神和服务意识的同时实现了这一切。
如果您不喜欢在实体店购物的麻烦,您可以在舒适的沙发上订购您的电子产品。您所要做的就是访问 Traklin Hashmal 的在线商店,订购产品并在最近的商店取货。
立即在 Coinsbee 使用比特币或山寨币为自己获取一张 Traklin Hashmal 礼品卡,并享受优质品牌产品。
付款后,您将收到一封来自 Coinsbee 的电子邮件,其中包含您的礼品卡优惠券代码。在以色列的任何 Traklin Hashmal Ltd. 商店兑换该卡。购物后,在付款台向收银员出示优惠券代码。他会将卡的详细信息输入他们的系统,卡的价值将从您的购买中扣除。
Traklin Hashmal 礼品卡的有效期为 6 个月。因此,请在收到卡后立即尝试使用。
您可以在任何 Traklin Hashmal 商店用礼品卡兑换各种品牌的电子产品。
1.This Gift Card is issued by and represents an obligation of H.M. Tshurut Hen (1987) LTD. (Nofshonit).
2. Before usind the Gift Card, please check the most updated terms and conditions at Nofshonit web site.
3. The Gift card grant the customer at the exact amount that is charged on it.
4. Purchases will be deducted from the amount of this Gift card until the value reaches zero.
5. The Gift card isn't a Debit card Literally in the law of Debit cards, התשמ"ו – 1986. The law will not apply on this card and the use of it.
6. In case of loss, theft or corruption of the Gift card, nofshonit will not be responsible and won't compensate the customer. Forged Gift cards will not be honored.
7. In case the Gift card isn't redeemed before expiry date, no compensation will be given.
8. In order to use the Gift card, the payment must be done fully to H.M. Tshurut Hen (1987) LTD.
9. Nofshonit isn't responsible for the quality of the products and for any damage that may cause regarding the products that are purchase in the stores. Any claim regarding the products shall be directed to the retailer.
10. In case of cancelling a transaction or returning of products, these activities will be done directly in front of the retailer according to his terms.
11. Gift voucher will be delivered within 6 to 7 working days. *Traklin Hashmal is not a sponsor of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions. Please note: Only one reward can be used per order. Cards cannot be used on multiple visits; the remaining balance will be forfeited if not used on a visit.