8Cuts Burgers 礼品卡

使用比特币、莱特币、门罗币或超过200种其他加密货币之一购买8Cuts Burgers礼品卡。支付后,您将立即通过电子邮件收到兑换码。




check icon 即时, 私密, 安全
check icon 電子郵件傳送

关于 8Cuts Burgers:

品尝 8Cuts Burgers 所带来的满满风味,这是菲律宾著名的餐饮连锁。该品牌以其现做的美食汉堡而闻名,因其在汉堡创作上的独特手法而在市场上独树一帜。从经典款到创意新品,它带来的是一次与众不同的美食之旅。

8Cuts Burgers 礼品卡体验:

用 8Cuts Burgers 礼品卡带给他人无与伦比的味蕾享受。这是一张开启美味选择的票据,是为汉堡爱好者或渴望体验美食快餐的人准备的完美礼物。

在 Coinsbee.com 使用 Bitcoin 购买 8Cuts Burgers 礼品卡:

第1步:访问 Coinsbee.com 网站。

第2步:进入 "礼品卡" 部分。

第3步:在搜索框中输入 "8Cuts Burgers 礼品卡"。


第5步:结账时,选择 Bitcoin 作为支付方式并完成购买。

Each mo.dough or eGift has a unique code that corresponds to an amount or item. To use the mo.dough or eGift at the store, the code must be given by the recipient to the store manager for validation.For in-store redemption, the code must be given by the recipient to the store manager for validation.The recipient must wait for the store manager to finish the validation process. The store manager will receive a validation response indicating the mo.dough or eGift amount and validity. The store manager will follow only what is indicated in the validation response.The recipient is responsible for the safekeeping of the mo.dough or eGift code. The recipient must only give this to the store manager once he/she commits to use it at the store.In the event that the store's validation system is offline or unavailable, the store manager shall politely decline to accept the mo.dough or eGift. The recipient may still use the mo.dough or eGift when the system is back online.Multiple eGift codes may be used for in-store transactions.If the mo.dough or eGift purchase is for a Moment Card, it is not valid or convertible in payment for food and other items. The Recipient must use it to redeem a Moment Card only.The mo.dough or eGift may not be valid for use on certain promotional items/services and it cannot be exchanged for cash.The use of mo.dough or eGift for purchasing a Moment Card and other merchandise in-store is not allowed.For online redemption, the eGift can be used at the checkout page of 8cuts.momentfood.com. Only one (1) eGift code is allowed per checkout.The mo.dough or eGift may not be exchanged, refunded, or voided.The mo.dough or eGift is for one-time use only. If the total value is not used up, there will be no cash change given. If the purchase goes beyond the amount, the recipient is to pay for the difference.The mo.dough or eGift may be subject to other terms and/or conditions of momentfood.com.