使用比特币、莱特币、门罗币或超过200种其他加密货币之一购买Bier Markt礼品卡。支付后,您将立即通过电子邮件收到兑换码。
Bier Markt 是加拿大最著名的啤酒零售商之一,提供受欧洲小酒馆启发的丰富菜单。您可以使用欧洲啤酒店礼品卡从公司购买您最喜欢的饮料。此外,如果您想购买欧洲啤酒店礼品卡,没有比 Coinsbee 更好的地方了。这是因为在这里,您可以使用加密货币代替法定货币购买 3000 多个不同品牌的礼品卡,包括 Bier Markt。该平台还在全球超过 185 个国家/地区提供多语言支持服务。
您用于兑换目的的 Bier Markt 礼品卡信息将通过电子邮件以电子方式发送给您。您可以使用该信息来兑换您的 Bier Markt 礼品卡,但您需要以印刷形式提供。
打印后,您需要将它们带到最近的 Bier Markt 商店。此外,您还可以在 Paddy Flaherty's、D'Arcy McGee's、Fionn MacCool's、East Side Mario's、Harvey's、Montana's BBQ & Bar、Kelseys 等商店兑换印制的 Bier Markt 礼品卡。
您从 Coinsbee 购买的 Bier Markt 礼品卡没有任何有效期。这意味着您使用 Bier Markt 礼品卡不受任何时间限制。
您可以使用 Bier Markt 礼品卡从官方 Bier Markt 购买任何您想要的东西。您只需要记住 Bier Markt 礼品卡不可退款且不可退还。
Use of this card constitutes acceptance of the following terms and conditions. Treat this card as cash. Card may only be used to purchase food and beverages at any participating restaurant on the front of the card as well as: D'Arcy McGee's, Paddy Flaherty's, Tir nan Og and the Landing Group of Restaurants. This card cannot be refunded or redeemed for cash, except where required by law. This card is only redeemable in Canada. Purchase amount will be deducted from the unused balance remaining on the card, with any excess purchase price payable at the time of purchase. Terms and conditions may be changed at any time, without notice. If the card is lost, stolen, or used without authorization, it cannot be replaced (unless it's been registered for balance protection at ultimatediningcard.ca). For balance information and updated terms and conditions visit ultimatediningcard.ca. Issued by Cara Operations Limited and its affiliates. ®/ ™ The Ultimate Dining Card and associated brands are registered trademarks of Recipe Unlimited Corporation and its affiliates