Ramen Nagi 礼品卡

使用比特币、莱特币、门罗币或超过200种其他加密货币之一购买Ramen Nagi礼品卡。支付后,您将立即通过电子邮件收到兑换码。




check icon 即时, 私密, 安全
check icon 電子郵件傳送

多年来,拉面 Nagi 在许多不同的地方广受欢迎。并且有充分的理由。他们以以实惠的价格提供优质食品而闻名。味道和味道让顾客回来更多。考虑到他们的美食的巨大影响,很容易理解为什么这么多人会在 Ramen Nagi 餐厅点他们最喜欢的菜,或者在旅途中吃。如果您正在寻找一种可靠的方法来使用您的加密货币,那么您就是一种享受。使用 Coinsbee,您可以获得一张物有所值的 Ramen Nagi 礼品卡。您不仅可以使用加密货币(如莱特币或比特币)购买它,还可以通过此在线平台使用 200 种其他加密货币。当您想在热门地点消费时,Coinsbee 提供了一层便利。


如何兑换您的 Ramen Nagi 礼品卡?

您的 Ramen Nagi 礼品卡可以通过电子邮件兑换。在通过 Coinsbee 在线平台完成购买后,消费者将收到一封包含所有必要信息的官方 Coinsbee 电子邮件。然后,您可以自由前往附近的 Ramen Nagi,充分利用礼品卡。


通过 Coinsbee 使用加密货币购买礼品卡有时间限制。礼品卡自购买之日起有效期为 6 个月。因此,如果您打算打印礼品卡,不要仅仅将其存放在最近的柜子里,或者长时间放在收件箱中。相反,应在有机会时尽快使用。

我可以使用 Ramen Nagi 礼品卡做什么?

前往您当地的 Ramen Nagi 查看菜单。任何出售的商品都可以使用礼品卡获得。Coinsbee 确保为消费者提供实用的礼品卡,使就餐体验更加轻松。特别是对于那些计划使用加密货币的人。您可以购买产品,而无需携带现金。

Ramen Nagi PH

The gift certificate is valid immediately after receiving it. It can be redeemed in all of merchant’s branches and can be used to pay for anything for sale in the store. It is non-refundable, non-convertible to cash, is for one time use only and cannot be used in conjunction with other promos or discounts. It cannot be used to purchase gift certificates. Unused amounts will be forfeited. Extra charges will apply to items purchased in excess of the value of the gift certificate. The merchant is not responsible for lost or stolen gift certificate. The Merchant is responsible for the quality of their own products and services. Merchant prices may change without prior notice and may be subject to additional charges.

Ramen Nagi PHP

Each eGift has a unique code that corresponds to an amount or item. To use the eGift at the store, the code must be given by the recipient to the store staff for validation.The recipient must wait for the store staff to finish the validation process. The store staff will receive a validation response indicating the eGift amount and validity. The store staff will follow only what is indicated in the validation response.The recipient is responsible for the safekeeping of the eGift code. The recipient must only give this to the store staff once he/she commits to use it at the store.In the event that the store’s eGift validation system is offline or unavailable, the store staff shall politely decline to accept the eGift. The recipient may still use the eGift when the system is back online.The eGift may not be valid for use on certain promotional items/services and it cannot be exchanged for cash.The eGift is for one-time use only. If the total value of eGift is not used up, there will be no cash change given. If the purchase goes beyond the eGift amount, the recipient is to pay for the difference.*Multiple eGift codes may be used per transaction.