TaiMall 礼品卡





check icon 即时, 私密, 安全
check icon 電子郵件傳送

探索台商城,您通往無限可能世界的門戶。 台商城提供從電子產品到時尚等多種產品,為全球購物者提供無與倫比的便利性和品質。


台商城禮品卡是尋求理想禮物的人的完美解決方案。 憑藉台貓禮品卡,接收者可以從廣泛的產品中探索和選擇,確保他們找到自己真正喜歡的東西。


  1. 導航至 Coinsbee.com 並從可用品牌清單中選擇 TaiMall 禮品卡選項。
  2. 選擇您想要的台貓禮品卡價值。 無論是自用還是作為禮物,請選擇適合您需求的面額。
  3. 透過結帳完成購買流程。 確保您的錢包中有足夠的比特幣來完成交易。
  4. 依照指示使用比特幣加密貨幣付款。 Coinsbee.com 提供安全、無縫的支付體驗。
  5. 確認付款後,您將透過電子郵件收到您的台貓禮品卡代碼。 現在可以在太貓平台兌換了。

The eVoucher can be utilized at TaiMall, although certain stores may not accept it. For specific details, please consult the following link: https://www.edenred.com.tw/index.php/store/taimall/

Present the eVoucher prior to checkout; any handwritten notes or verbal communication of the eVoucher code will not be accepted.

This eVoucher is for one-time use only; any remaining value cannot be used separately and is non-exchangeable for cash or refundable as change.

Should you need to return products after the eVoucher expires, the value will not be refunded back to the eVoucher.

The eVoucher cannot be combined with gift rewards, purchase accumulations, membership bonus points, parking fee discounts, or any other promotional activities.

Please refer to the terms and conditions on the eVoucher page for further details regarding its usage. Note that the English description provided is for reference purposes; discrepancies should be addressed by referring to the Chinese description.

To receive the eVoucher, a valid email address must be provided. It will be delivered to your email account via [email protected]. To ensure receipt, please add this email address to your Address Book or email whitelist (safe sender). No re-issuance of the eVoucher will be made after it has been used or has expired.