Zizzi 礼品卡





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check icon 電子郵件傳送

如果您正在寻找优质美味的意大利美食,Zizzi 就是您的不二之选。这是一个餐厅品牌,以其特色餐点而闻名,这些餐点带来惊喜和满足所有口味的需求。 20 多年来,该公司一直提供令人兴奋的 Zizzi 菜肴,例如 Rustics Pizzas、令人垂涎的意大利面、沙拉、甜点等等。

各种选择将激发您的味蕾,例如带有由天然成分制成的香肠碎屑的 Carbonara。 Zizzi 不仅仅是食品供应商。在这里,人们有宾至如归的感觉,属于 Zizzi 社区。

Zizzi 的每个人都能找到适合自己的东西,无论您是素食主义者、肉类爱好者还是非麸质爱好者。因此,Zizzi 礼品卡是与您的亲人在这家一流餐厅分享独特用餐体验的最佳方式。您可以在 Coinsbee 方便地购买带有加密货币的 Zizzi 礼品卡。


如何兑换您的 Zizzi 礼品卡?

购买 Zizzi 礼品卡后,您将获得 Coinsbee 提供的电子礼品券代码。通过访问他们的网站、登录到您的帐户并在线激活优惠券代码来在线兑换卡。致电餐厅点餐,点您最喜欢的餐点或外卖,然后在准备结账时向服务员出示代码。

Zizzi 礼品卡何时到期?

礼品卡将在 18 个月后到期,之后无法退款。

您可以使用 Zizzi 礼品卡做什么?

礼品卡可用于结算菜单上可用选项的食品账单,以进行电话和收集订单。但是,它们不能用作在线订单的支付方式,直接与 Zizzi 或交付合作伙伴联系。

Once activated the value on your Zizzi gift card can be used as full or part payment at any Zizzi Restaurant throughout the UK.
Any remaining balance will be stored on the card and may be used to pay for future purchases.
All monies on your Zizzi gift card must be used by the expiry date which is 18 months from the date of purchase.
Any balance left on your Zizzi gift card after this date will be deducted.
The monies on your Zizzi gift card cannot be exchanged for cash.
Please protect this card and treat it as cash, the balance cannot be returned if lost or stolen.
To check the remaining balance on your Zizzi gift card visit zizzi.showmybalance.com or call 0844 478 0151
The Zizzi gift card is not a credit, debit or cheque guarantee card.
No change will be given on the Zizzi gift card
Zizzi reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time or withdraw the card on reasonable notice. Your statutory rights are not affected.
Zizzi maintains the right to withdraw this or any promotion at any time without notice.
For full terms and conditions please visit https://www.zizzigiftcards.co.uk/terms-and-conditions-zizzi