由 Jessica Alba 创立的 Honest 是美国、欧洲和加拿大最好的消费品品牌之一。事实上,该公司在纳斯达克 (HNST) 上市,2016 年的销售额超过 2.5 亿美元。
您可以通过他们的官方网站Honest.com 或美国、加拿大和欧洲的 32,000 多个零售点购买诚实的产品。另一件事是,该公司旨在激励每个人热爱有意识的生活。
找不到送给密友或爱人的礼物?从 Coinsbee.com 为他们购买 Binance 或 Ethereum 的 Honest 礼品卡。这样,人们可以从各种高性能、时尚、环保的产品中进行选择。
您只能在 Honest.com 兑换这些礼品卡。选择您想要的产品后,前往结账。在结账时,输入您的礼品卡优惠码。卡的价值将应用于您的总订单。
Honest 礼品卡永不过期。但最好提前使用,以利用其优势。
Please visit www.svmcards.com/honest to view card balance, to inquire about a refund, exchange, or to report a lost, stolen, damaged or non-working card. Purchase or use of this card constitutes acceptance of the following terms: This gift card is redeemable only for authorized goods at honest.com. Not valid for the purchase of gift cards. This gift card is not a credit card,debit card, asset account or a deposit account, and is not redeemable for cash or credit except where required by law. Remaining value may be replaced on a lost, stolen or damaged card only if the account number and remaining value on the gift card can be verified. This card is issued and administered by SVM, LP. This gift card will not expire.Redeemable in the United States only. Resale of this card is prohibited without consent.