Hoseasons by Inspire 礼品卡

使用比特币、莱特币、门罗币或超过200种其他加密货币之一购买Hoseasons by Inspire礼品卡。支付后,您将立即通过电子邮件收到兑换码。




check icon 即时, 私密, 安全
check icon 電子郵件傳送

Hoseasons 提供一流的客户服务、多个令人惊叹的游览和住宿地点以及最热烈的欢迎。公司还拥有一支优秀的团队,确保每个客户的需求都得到满足。

Heseason by inspire 礼品卡为持卡人提供了一种创造最快乐假期的方式,让他们可以前往绝佳的目的地。您可以为您的朋友或家人购买这些礼品卡,让他们度过一个充满乐趣的假期,包括度假小屋、冒险假期和划船旅行。

有趣的是,您可以使用 Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Litecoin 来支付该品牌的礼品卡.您需要做的就是立即访问 Coinsbee 并使用加密货币购买 Hoseasons by Inspire 礼品卡。


如何兑换Hoseasons by Inspire礼品卡?

您可以在线兑换这些礼品卡。只需在结账时输入您将从 Coinsbee 收到的优惠券代码,卡片价值将从您的预订总额中扣除。或者,您可以致电您希望访问的目的地,并与旅行社分享代码,以便将卡值应用于您的预订总额。

Hoseasons by Inspire礼品卡什么时候过期?

Hoseasons by Inspire 礼品卡在购买后 18 个月后过期

Hoseasons by Inspire礼品卡可以用来做什么?

使用 Hoseasons by Inspire 礼品卡,您可以预订欧洲城市假期、机场停车、汽车租赁、套餐假期等。

Hoseasons by Inspire UK

Validity cannot be extended once expired.No returns and no refunds on gift cards.Gift cards and Gift Cards (Vouchers) should be treated as cash; they are not cheque guarantee, credit, or charge cards. Inspire will not accept liability for lost, stolen or damaged cards or Gift Cards (Vouchers).Gift Cards (Vouchers) can be used as a form of payment using the methods shown on the gift card or Gift Cards (Vouchers) for new travel bookings sold by Inspire only and cannot be used in conjunction with any other travel provider, travel voucher or promotion.Gift Cards (Vouchers) and e-gift cards may be used to make new bookings for travel products of a higher price than the amount on the card, on payment of the difference.Inspire Europe Ltd reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of gift cards and Gift Cards (Vouchers) at any time and to take appropriate action, including the cancellation of the card, if, in its discretion, it deems such action necessary.If you do not spend the entire balance on the Gift Cards (Vouchers), the remaining balance will be updated after each transaction.For more information and entire details about terms & conditions visit the website www.travelbyinspire.co.uk