Ving 礼品卡





check icon 即时, 私密, 安全
check icon 電子郵件傳送

Ving 是瑞典排名第一的旅游运营商,前往 60 个国家/地区的约 400 个目的地旅行。该运营商使用灵活的假期套餐安排包机旅行、销售游轮和安排航班。
这里有适合您的东西,因为该品牌为那些希望自己旅行的人提供个人机票和酒店预订。由于提供可靠的交通服务和 Ving 礼品卡等其他奖励措施,该品牌受到大多数瑞典公民的喜爱。

每个人都必须在某个时候旅行,因此 Ving 礼品卡是在任何场合送给任何人的理想礼物。使用 Tether、Nano、比特币或其他替代加密货币从 Coinsbee 为您的朋友和家人购买这些旅行礼品卡。


如何兑换您的 Ving 礼品卡?

收到 Coinsbee 的优惠券代码后,很容易兑换 Ving 礼品卡。在网上商店的“付款选项”页面上输入唯一的 16 位优惠券代码。 Coinsbee 的电子邮件中还附有一个五位数的密码,您将在提供的字段中输入该密码以兑换 Ving 礼品卡。

Ving 礼品卡何时到期?

所有 Ving 礼品卡的有效期为自购买之日起三年,此期限不可延长。 Ving 允许您多次使用该卡来帮助您支付账单。

您可以使用 Ving 礼品卡做什么?

在购买电子商务网站上可用的产品时,Ving 礼品卡是一种公认​​的付款方式。但是,这些卡在预订航班或在酒店目的地时不可用于付款。

Ving Sweden

  1. Ving's gift cards can be purchased as physical gift cards (plastic cards) or as electronic gift cards via either e-mail, own printout or text message. These terms apply to both physical plastic gift cards and electronic gift cards.
  2. Gift cards can be purchased and loaded with money at .
  3. Plastic cards for private individuals are sent to the address specified in the order without being charged. The customer then charges the gift card with any amount at The gift card can be charged with up to SEK 25,000.
  4. Gift cards can only be loaded with money once.
  5. Electronic gift cards are valid for 3 years from purchase.
  6. Plastic cards are valid for 3 years from the time the card is loaded with money.
  7. The validity of the gift card cannot be extended.
  8. Ving's gift cards are valid as a means of payment on all products that can be booked on and, except for purchases of hotels only.
  9. The gift card can also not be used as a means of payment on board the flight or at the hotel/destination.
  10. A gift card is a valuable document. Ving is not responsible for stolen or lost gift cards.
  11. Plastic cards are never replaced.
  12. Gift cards via e-mail or text messages that have been deleted can be replaced.
  13. For detailed terms and conditions, please visit